Not that the BROS are going to get behind this, but if women lose access to their reproductive rights, men should be held VERY accountable for getting women pregnant because after all, they are the ones doing the damage, or at least transferring the burden of responsibility. Before you start squealing, when was the last time you talked to a man that had his female partner leave him with two children and a lesser lifestyle with reduced options going forward? Really?
When my ex and I were married, and she wanted two children and I wanted zero children (because I had an absolute asshole/abusive father and was scared I would not be able to modulate discipline) we compromised on "one and let's see."
Well, our daughter proved to be quite the handful. One day my wife walked into my office with saucer eyes saying, "I can't handle another one of these, go get fixed."
I tell men all the time, want to be responsible - go get snipped. If your life changes you can always get "un" snipped easily. It’s nowhere near as easy for women.
No problem. Went in the next week and got it done. No big deal. Well actually, it was pretty weird. My doc asked if I wanted to be put under or do it local. My response was that I was a pretty big baby when it comes to pain. He laughed and said “Good, I can do this in ten minutes if you’re under. Otherwise at least 45 minutes to calm you down.” Under it was, yo.
And when I came to, enjoying a tremendous post-anesthesia buzz, the guy next to me was FREAKING OUT about something. Buzzkill. Everyone warned me not to have sex for at least a week, including my nearly 70-something co worker. “No nookie for at least a week - I ignored the doctor and it hurt like hell.”
Always being one to obey doctors orders, after getting back to my comfy chair at home, watching Star Trek, frozen peas in my crotch, my baby girl decided to kick me in the scrotum as hard as she could. My ex said I made a sound like a puppy that just had a cinder block dropped on it. I still remember that scream. Between the operation and that, I certainly wasn’t reproducing again.
Yet after all that, I still feel men should get snipped. Heck, make it a government program. Maybe in addition to getting a tax credit for having children, how about a free snip for men choosing to be responsible? It only takes about fifteen minutes. (see above) You could almost do it drive through. Hahah.
But seriously, sometimes I think the pro-life and the pro-choice people both have it wrong in the sense that "maybe we shouldn’t get pregnant in the first place." This eliminates a large part of the moral dilemma. The Christians are happy and most importantly, women are safer, and no more neglected children are being brought into this world.
Get snipped I say!
While Cosmo always talks about 897 ways to turn women on (they never make it a round number...) I have to say that "Guess what the house is paid for" and "I got snipped so you never have to worry about getting pregnant" are both deal makers in the ways of love. Or as Angelina Jolie said once in an interview, “Want to turn me on, clean something.” But that’s another topic for another day.
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